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Philip Cherry




Philip Cherry Usa

Born in Charlotte, NC and raised in Durham.

"I am a artist who works to combine the playfulness of imagination and the importance of culture through his work, while hiding subliminal statements on social issues using complex imagery and symbolism. Flow is something I strive to expresses within my artwork. I do this by using different imagery and mediums such as gold leaf, acrylic, and watercolor.
In my work there is always a sense of movement and direction. If one looks closely, they will find that everything falls in a specific direction. This is something that has meaning. The fall is the climax and comedown over the flow of creation. The viewer of this piece will see a buildup of energy and fall into this work while viewing the piece. Work has feeling, expression, and reaction. As an artist there will be both a concrete vision expressed, as well as a subjective conclusion viewers will gain from viewing my work. This is why I put a lot of information in my work. Each viewer will be able to gain a different message or meaning in the work while a larger more general idea is expressed.

I’m a mixed media artist works to define the playfulness of imagination through
well thought out and detailed works of art. From Baltimore MD and Manhattan NY, to Charlotte
NC and Durham NC my work has been displayed in a number of art galleries across the North
and South of the UNited states.
Each work of art represents the feeling of flow. Flow represents the most important key
theme of my artwork expressed using different media. If one looks closely, they will find that
everything falls in a specific direction. This is something that has meaning. The fall is the
climax and comedown over the flow of creation. The viewer of this piece will see a buildup of
energy and fall into this work while viewing this piece. Work has feeling, expression, and
reaction. These are the most important parts of an artist’ work.
As an artist I know that there will be both a concrete vision expressed in my artwork, as
well as a subjective conclusion viewers will gain from viewing my work. This is why I put a lot of
information in my work. Each viewer will be able to gain a different message or meaning in the
work while a larger more general idea is expressed as well.


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