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Ana Camilo


Winner Challenge 2020


Ana Camilo - 1989, Lisbon. Degree in Conservation and Restoration by the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar and Master in Museology and Museography by the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon. Ana has participated in exhibitions since 1998: about one hundred collective and a dozen of individual exhibitions were held in Portugal and in Belgium, Brazil, the United States, France and Italy. Some of the works exhibited won awarded prizes. Represented in private collections in Portugal and abroad. The main exhibitions were:

- Individuals - Entre Paragens, Casa Manuel Espregueira e Oliveira (2018); RED me between the lines, BAAG, Lisbon (2018); Miragens, ISCTE Library, Lisbon (2017);

- Collective / Biennial: Doze d'Arte - Miguel Bombarda, Days Are Gallery, Porto; Convergences - BAAG, Lisbon (2018); Arte Nostra Damus 17, Viseu and Amadora (2017); ARTE URBANA in MUPIS - AMIarte, Lisboa (2017); Damned, Detroit, USA (2015); Biennials of Paço de Arcos (2010), Avante (2017) and Vidigueira (2018, 2016, 2012, 2010) and Carcavelos (2012); Infante D. Luis to the Arts Award (2018) - honorable mention.

Cover illustration of books and labels for wines (limited editions). Participation in anthologies of artists and in a Portuguese program in channel RTP2.

Special Project

Through drawing and painting, in ink, acrylic and oil, using as support the paper, I portrait what I observe around me. Briefly moments, nooks, moments frozen in time. A pause. The need to stop, to breathe, to start again ... the constant metamorphosis. The works presented are a part of a travel journal, where I record some moments, environments and situations, in order to awaken the observer to various physical and emotional realities. This initial draw, more abrupt, with ink, and the remaining scenes, in oil, are unrolled. Contrasting the monochromatic register with the chromatic, in the duality of dreams and reality.

There are paths that are made within us, stories that have happened and thought, whose roughness implies an atonement. On the other hand in the plastic arts we can be less revealing, we write in between the lines the small dislikes and antipathies, withdrawing from within us the pain and the anger. Few will know the stories contained here, some will imagine as their own.

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